Soul Sister Gifts is a collaboration of creativity, fun and the love of gift giving between two childhood best friends. I am a floral designer and have been on Etsy since 2013 with my Flower Crown/Headpiece prop shop "Boho Halo Company." Sara is a jewelry designer and overall artistic gypsy. We've always wanted to collaborate, and the stars aligned for us with Soul Sister Gifts. Our mission is to uplift. This crazy thing called life is hard, and we want to create gifts that can be sent to a friend or family member that say "I see you" "I'm rooting for you" "You are amazing" You are loved" "You are not alone"
So that's our mission. To share the love. To uplift. To support. To send Joy :)
This shop is a group effort, with Sara's mom, Martha, sewing all of our felted pots and crocheting the succulent cozies, along with Diana (my mom) pouring candles.
I hope you like what we've done!
Have a beautiful day,
Sara and Sierra aka Soul Sisters